Step by Step Mini Album Part 1
Posted by Shell on
3. Place tape on the outside of the 4" flap on both pieces. Stick the 4" flaps together
4. Repeat steps 1 & 2
5. Place tape on the outside of the front 8" flap & adhere to the back of the 8" flap on the first piece.
6. Cut a piece 8"X6" from Prima Something Blue Reception paper. Adhere to the front of the album.
7. From Prima Something Blue Enchanted Bloom paper cut a piece 6"x4" This piece is used as the binding for the album. Adhere so that it over laps both the front & back cover 2" either side.
8. Using a sewing machine stitch along the right edge of the Enchanted Bloom paper
9. Fussy Cut a bunch of roses from the Enchanted Bloom paper. Stamp a flower with brown ink from the Flair Buttons pack onto a Manilla tag.
10. Adhere the tag on the left side & the roses to the right
14. With foam tape adhere the happily ever after tag on top of the vellum doily. Cut 2 pieces 2.5"X0.5" . Cut a V at the bottom to make a pendant. Adhere a Doodle Bug Sprinkle in Lily White to the bottom of each piece. Adhere under the vellum doily.
15. Punch a heart from some vellum paper, stitch along the centre & place a Doodle Bug Lily White Sprinkle. Adhere the Wedding Day shabby chic resin above the chipboard scallop doily. Adhere a resin cherub to the left of the chipboard doily. Using American Crafts thickers adhere the year date in the bottom right corner.
A Full product list will be provided at the end of the tutorial!
Thanks for Looking!