Project Life | Week Three...
Posted by Leanne on
This week incorporated water fights, home baking, board games and special treats. We were still on school holidays and after weeks of i-devises (iPhone/iPad) I enforced a "technology free" day on my children! *grin*
My plan for this week's Project Life was to keep it light and fun. It wanted to be able to link completely unrelated photos to help tell the story of our week. One method of achieving this, is to use repetitive shapes across the whole spread.
On page one, I have used the concept of circles to help draw the eye from top to bottom. There are even more circles on page two, but I have combined the use of other shapes to help enhance this idea.
On page two specifically, the circles are continued with the aid of the photos. The cobb loaf, soccer ball and board game pieces, are all subconsciously linked because of their shape. The pennant banner, which is my second shape and also used repetitively, reinforces a connection across the spread, even though the subjects of the photos and the colours of the shapes are not related in a visual sense.
My second method of linking unrelated stories and photos is through overall colour choice. *grin* It's quite obvious really and I'm sure a lot of experienced Project Lifers are nodding their heads right about now! I usually spread my weekly photos (once printed) out in front of me. I will shuffle and move them about because sometimes looking at a photo from a different perspective, can suddenly give me an 'ah-ha' moment.
A lot of my photos this week were taken outdoors. There are plenty of blue skies and grassy backgrounds in most of them. Next I look at the light content that was captured. Generally this means whether it was morning or afternoon light, clear indoors or fluorescent light. Afternoon light was my winner and it generates this beautiful yellow glow.
The yellow colour was then carried throughout the spread in small amounts. The Prima Sun Kissed Alpha Stickers, once again came to my rescue! But I have also used the Glitz Design Color Me Happy patterned paper. My complimentary colour to the green and yellow base, is turquoise.
I think it helps that my middle son was wearing his favourite green shirt but the blue skies and monster mask, certainly helped me chose my complimentary colour. With the photos that didn't have any connection to the colour story, I simply converted to black and white. But again you will notice that they have been grounded with black and white embellishments or patterned paper in small amounts, to balance the full weekly spread.
And remember, if there is no obvious link between the photos for your week, repetitive shapes can create cohesion. Try to find that subconscious shape in your actual photos that can be exaggerated to display a commonality across the entire weekly spread.