Project Life | Week 21...
Posted by Leanne on

On my spread today, I have used lots of 'strip layers', inspired by the Crate Paper | Styleboard Inspiration paper piece. I wanted to overlap and create subtle layers to add interest to my pages without having the extra bulk.
Some of these layers were added directly to my photos...
...While other strips were layered directly to 4"x6" patterned paper. This method on filler cards, is also partly due to the lack of photos I had available for Week 21. *grin* Even with this problem, I still wanted some interest in the pockets where I was promoting my 'white space'.
On the first page, I also trimmed a tag from the whole Crate Paper sheet and typed some of our story. I then added it a 3"x4" project life card.
This week I have also focused on the wood flourishes. These little details can add a touch of fun or even drama(!) to the spread.
And they can also help convey the humour in the photos/story. This speech bubble embellishment is so cute!