Project Life and December Daily, mean very similar things to me. It's an opportunity to document the everyday events in our lives as well as those more momentous occasions. Today I want to share with you a PL2015 + DD spread that has only one photo. Yes. That's right. Just one photo. And it's still only the regular 3x4" size too! This week's spread is focusing in on the stories.
To be really honest with you, I needed to step away from the demands of snapping a daily photo for the singular purpose of filling up my December pocket pages. And while I have still taken those said photos, my priority in the last week has been to my family and living the moment during this wonderful season.
If you have a schedule that is anything similar to mine, carving out some crafting therapy can often be the hardest challenge of all. And even though I haven't printed out any of my photos for the last week, I have documented the stories.
One such story is how my youngest lost his first top tooth, but then couldn't put it under his pillow for the tooth fairy because he dropped it down the bathroom plug hole while cleaning it. He was very upset over this development and with no way to recover the tooth, I asked him to write the tooth fairy a note, explaining what had happened.
To help his letters standout on a Becky Higgins core PL card, I traced over his letters with a sharpie. This way I can stay true to his handwriting sample.
Our Elf on the Shelf is a regular visitor at Christmastime. This year Elfvis has been adventuring rather than playing hide and seek with my younger boys. I wanted to share a few of his adventures in my PL stories. Using a journaling Brag Cards from Fancy Pants Designs | Happy Place I've recorded some of his crazy antics.
I've teamed up the brag cards with the cut apart patterned paper from October Afternoon. Last month I put together a series of filler cards from October Afternoon | Under the Tree, and this week I've finally added some of them to my pocket pages.
Thanks for visiting here today. Have a wonderful and safe Christmas - Leanne..x
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December days,
documenting December,
Fancy pants,
filler cards,
Happy Place,
journaling cards,
Leanne Allinson,
pocket pages,
project life,
Sassy Scrappers
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