LOL Eve Mini Album with Anita Bownds
Posted by Anita B on
Today I'm sharing another little fun mini Album using
Simple Stories So Fancy
Simple Stories So Fancy
My daughter eve went to a party a few weekends ago and in her party bag she got theses funny face glasses with the nose and mo .
We were having a little family BBQ and she walked out and sat at the table and started to drink her coke was to funny so I thought I would document it in this little mini album
I had a few strips of white cardstock leftover 12x12 by 3 inch
Each strip of cardstock is scored at 4inches and I cut one panel off to create the cover
Then I glued the other strip inside the cover so it's like a pull out and now I'm ready to add patterned paper and embellishments
I also wanted to add some minc foiled embellishments to my mini so I went through my cutfiles that I've saved and found this one from ChicTags
Putting it through the minc oh so lovely!!
So I foiled 2 one in pink and one in silver but I felt the pink went the best so I used them
I put a little tab on the inside to pull it out and here is the full inside of the album
And here are some close ups
I've been having so much fun playing with those chipboard frames they are so cute
And on the other side here is another photo and more embellishments
I hope you have enjoyed seeing my little mini
So pop on over to the Sassy store and check out this fun range So fancy from simple stories