Agnus | Project Life - Crate Paper 'Cool Kid' continued
Posted by Agnus K on
Even though I normally use a weekly format, I have documented the final two weeks of May one one spread because I was a bit light on photos and didn't want to feel forced to try and make them stretch over two double spreads, but I guess that's the beauty of project life in that you can do it any way that suits you. I tried to keep the format similar to my previous May pages to keep the month looking consistent.
The large chipboard pieces were great for adding a focal point to the page, and by adding the tiny text alpha stickers directly over the top I was able to create greater sense of depth on the page.
In an effort to make better use of my tools, I have challenged myself to use my fuse tool this month and it was the perfect solution for including some event tickets from a night at the drag-way my boys attended. I filled the pocket with stars and used the fuse to seal in the tickets and stars before attaching the pocket to the page protector. I used one of the star paperclips as an easy way to open the shaker pocket to reveal the photograph beneath and love that it adds a bit of interaction into my album.
The mixed alpha stickers doubled up as a design element and a way of telling the story on my final photo of the month. I often use word or alpha stickers directly over my photos for both the design and story aspects.